Our very own Laura Moyers celebrated her birthday with us in Topeka during our Leadership Conference.  Super thanks to Mr. Moyers who brought in the yummy cake and for Laura who shared her special day with us.  

Our schedules are starting to fill up with exciting opportunities to our state capitol, teacher ed programs, and school visits.  Yay! Today we synergized our talents to write a song for our presentations.

We also have decided that Amanda's in Emporia is just about the yummiest place to get a delicious meal and dessert.  :o)

The requests are coming in for the KTOY team to make appearances, and we are really excited.  The tough part, however, is syncing all of our calendars together, so thank goodness for Google to keep us all connected.  This spring is going to be a busy but exciting semester!

Our journey begins with the KTOY 2012 team passing on the torch to the 2013 torch.  Their adventures took them all over state and they had excellent advice on how each of us should embrace the road miles to come.  We thank the team and look forward to identifying our own message to the teachers, students, and preservice teachers in 2013.  Thanks 2012 Super 8 for your willingness to